Lead is used in medicine, without any addition, for the
removal of scars; if it is applied, too, in plates, to the region of
the loins and kidneys, in consequence of its cold nature it will
restrain the venereal passions, and put an end to libidinous
dreams at night, attended with spontaneous emissions, and assuming
all the form of a disease. The orator Calvus, it is said,
effected a cure for himself by means of these plates, and so preserved
his bodily energies for labour and study. The Emperor
Nero—for so the gods willed it—could never sing to the full
pitch of his voice, unless he had a plate of lead upon his chest;
thus showing us one method of preserving the voice.[1] For
medicinal purposes the lead is melted in earthen vessels; a layer
of finely powdered sulphur being placed beneath, very thin
plates of lead are laid upon it, and are then covered with a
mixture of sulphur and iron. While it is being melted, all
the apertures in the vessel should be closed, otherwise a
As to calcined lead, it is washed, like stibi[3] and cadmia. Its action is astringent and repressive, and it is promotive of cicatrization. The same substance is also employed in preparations for the eyes, cases of procidence[4] of those organs more particularly; also for filling up the cavities left by ulcers, and for removing excrescences and fissures of the anus, as well as hæmorrhoidal and condylomatous tumours. For all these purposes the lotion of lead is particularly useful; but for serpiginous or sordid ulcers it is the ashes of calcined lead that are used, these producing the same advantageous effects as ashes of burnt papyrus.[5]
The lead is calcined in thin plates, laid with sulphur in
shallow vessels, the mixture being stirred with iron rods or
stalks of fennel-giant, until the melted metal becomes calcined;
when cold, it is pulverized. Some persons calcine lead-filings
in a vessel of raw earth, which they leave in the
furnace, until the earthenware is completely baked. Others,
again, mix with it an equal quantity of ceruse or of barley, and
triturate it in the way mentioned for raw lead; indeed, the